
Sketch a Fourier

A basic website built using p5*js & TypeScript that utilises a discrete fourier transform to render the user's sketches or uploaded SVGs by using a sum of rotating vectors, each at its own frequency.


A library containing implementations for linear-algebra operations such as mathematical matrices & vectors.

Discord Games

A collection of well-known games such as 2048, battleship, chess, tictactoe, connect-4, and many more all compiled into a libary that can be easily integrated within discord bots with ease, adding fun game functionalities to your discord bot

Brainfuck-web & Brainfuck-rs

An online compiler for brainfuck, built using Web Assembly bindings powered my brainfuck-rs rust library.

The crate provides a seamless interface to interpret raw brainfuck code in user programs.

Bomb paste

An online pastebin service, useful for sharing long pieces of text/code over the internet. Powered by axum in rust and MongoDB.

Ferrous Imagic Editor

An basic web application that applies various cool effects onto user uploaded images.

Math Solver

An online algebraic mathematical equation solver, with robust support for all kinds of operations. Powered by SymPy in python and my own Lexer/Parser/AST generator.

Pascal's Triangle

A basic webpage showcasing a dynamic and interactive Pascal's Triangle, its patterns, and use-cases

Doc Search

A basic library that provides structured search and parsing functionalities for sphinx based documentation and C/C++ documentation.

Async TIO

A basic library that provides safe, sandboxed code execution through the online code execution engine &

A wrapper around the unofficial akinator API, providing users a seemless programming interface to simulate an akinator game wherever they want.

  • is made in rust
  • is a python binding for made with PyO3