About Me

Tom the Bomb

Hi, I am a 18 year old student who is interested in software development, mathematics, photography and aquatic life. This website aims to showcase elements from all of these areas.

Development Tools

My goto languages are Python and Rust for more intensive and complex applications. I also use JS & TS for frontend development alongside HTML & CSS or frameworks like React.js, Astro.js, Tailwind CSS, and Bootstrap 5. Sometimes I also integrate my Rust programs into the web with WebAssembly. I also use Java for applications in school such as robotics. For data management, I use MongoDB and SQLite.

This website was made with Astro.js with TS and Tailwind CSS

You can view some of my projects over on the Projects page and my GitHub


For me, Photography is an swift and easy way to capture my favorite moments in time. With just a swift snap of the shutter, a high quality frozen snapshot of the moment has just been saved forever.

I currently use either the NIKON D3500 or an iPhone 13. Sometimes I will use a Canon Rebel EOS and in the past there are some old photos taken on an iPhone X.

I enjoy taking photos of architecture, landscapes & cityscapes, nature & wildlife (such as my own aquaria and plants) and macro photography. Most of my photos stem from travels as that is where there is the most to see!

A selection of my photos can be found over on the Photography page.


For over five years, I’ve gained experience maintaining a variety of aquatic life, including fish, plants, invertebrates and corals—both in saltwater and freshwater setups—across multiple aquariums and an outdoor pond.

Their uniqueness as pets, along with their natural beauty and calmness they bring forth, has always deeply appealed to me. While they may not be as interactive as dogs or cats, having nearly self-sustaining ecosystems in your home, complete with a range of creatures of all sizes, from microscopic to large, just resonates with me differently.

Pictures and more information about what I have kept can be found over on the Aquaria page.